Tuesday 1 March 2011

Analysing the Visual Qualities of Images

We often take our eyesight for granted, assuming that everything we see is true and that we are aware of the entire world around us. However, the reality is that we perceive the world not as a whole but through a series of eye movements which are processed and interpreted by the brain to create a representation of the world around us. These eye movements are planned based on what kind of information the brain is seeking and can affect what is and what is not perceived. As a result, understanding the visual system, and how to guide the viewer, is an incredibly important tool when designing graphics, products, services or systems as well designed visuals can influence how the viewer will understand them. The next few blog posts will explore the mechanisms that the visual system utilises and, by critiquing various images, evaluates how such mechanisms affect the perception and cognition of images that may be experienced in daily life. We will also explore how images can be manipulated to affect the way in which they are explored and perceived as a direct result of their design.

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